Royal Fleet Auxiliary's New Tanker Reaches UK For Customisation

  • Our Bureau
  • 03:53 PM, April 3, 2017
  • 3353
Royal Fleet Auxiliary's New Tanker Reaches UK For Customisation
RFA Tidespring tanker ship

UK Navy’s first of the newest support ships that can carry 19,000 cubic meters of fuel, RFA Tidespring, has arrived in Cornwall county for customisation.

The 39,000-tonne tanker, which can carry up to 19,000 cubic metres of fuel and 1,300 cubic metres of fresh water, will join the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, a civilian-manned fleet, UK ministry of defense announced today.

The Royal Fleet Auxiliary provides support for warships, helping the UK Navy to maintain its operations 24/7, 365 days a year, around the world.

Tidespring is the first of a fleet of four Tide Class tankers which will all be taken through customisation in Falmouth. She will now undergo an intense programme of work at the A&P shipyard, and is expected to enter service before the end of the year.

RFA Tidespring, the Tide Class Replenishment Tanker was ordered from Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) in 2012. The ship was accepted by the Ministry of Defence in 2017, approximately 18 months behind schedule and as of February 2017 she was enroute to the UK via Japan and Hawaii before undergoing final fitting out at A&P Falmouth prior to joining the fleet. She arrived Falmouth on Friday 31st March 2017 for fitting out.

Tidespring is the first new vessel to join the RFA since RFA Lyme Bay in 2007. The new Tide Class tankers will provide key support to the Queen Elizabeth Class carriers when they come into service, alongside the wider fleet.

The Tide-class tanker (formerly the Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability (MARS) project) is a class of four fast fleet tankers that will enter service with the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary from 2017.

The 37,000 t ships will provide fuel, food, fresh water, ammunition and other supplies to Royal Navy vessels around the world.

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