After delaying responses to key union proposals for two months, The Boeing Company on Thursday presented what company negotiators called a first, full offer for new three year-contracts covering 20,474 engineers and technical workers. SPEEA negotiators called the response incomplete and disappointing.>> The companys responses to our proposals leaves large gaps between Boeing and what is needed by employees who engineer and design the worlds most advanced aerospace products, said SPEEA Executive Director and Chief Spokesperson Ray Goforth.>> Weve been waiting for a response from the company for more than two months and what we received today is disappointing, said Goforth. It is clear difficult talks remain.>> The companys response included a high-level outline of medical plan changes. More detail was provided in response to the unions wage proposals. SPEEA negotiators are reviewing the nearly 100 pages of documents passed to them by Boeing in preparation for presenting counter-proposals Friday.>> Union negotiators delivered a complete proposal to Boeing in September after nearly six months of negotiating in joint committees. Main Table negotiations started Oct. 29. The company delayed the start one day to settle the strike by 27,000 machinists.>> Its concerning that Boeing continues to point to an artificial deadline of completing talks next week, said Goforth. We are prepared to keep negotiating until we have a deal for members.>> Boeing remains determined to change SPEEA contracts in several areas that union members oppose. The company continues to press for removing Utah engineers from the Professional contract, eliminating the defined benefit pension for new employees, shifting more healthcare costs onto employees and continuing the outsourcing of engineering and design work to suppliers, contractors and overseas companies.