Israel Unveils New 122mm Rocket System For Special Forces

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:30 AM, May 23, 2017
  • 9918
Israel Unveils New 122mm Rocket System For Special Forces
ACCULAR Precision Rocket

Israel Military Industries unveiled a new precision rocket system for the special forces to operate in urban environments covering distances up to 27 miles.

The ACCULAR system was developed in response to the needs of special forces who may operate beyond the range of traditional artillery fire support.

The system is a 122mm rocket with a 44-pound penetration or controlled fragmentation warhead.

IMI, owned by the Israeli government, has also developed the C-LYNX – a designated lightweight dedicated launcher capable of carrying up to eight ACCULAR rockets that can be delivered by a C-130 Hercules or similar aircraft. The C-LYNX launcher, equipped with advanced navigation and command-and-control systems, can operate autonomously.

IMI Systems held a firing demo of advanced artillery systems to senior officials from 17 countries in November last year.

During the demonstration, IMI Systems showcased live firing of the "Accular” – a precision rocket for the range of 40 km and the 155 mm accurate shell which was developed by IMI Systems in conjunction with BAE Systems ROKAR.

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