Statement from Defense Undersecretary John Young on F-22 Advance Procurement ADM

  • (Source: Office of the Secretary of Defense via T
  • 12:00 AM, November 17, 2008
  • 1480
This ADM allows for the procurement of parts support for 4 aircraft beyond the 183 total F-22's that DoD has already contracted for.>> Key comments from Mr. Young:>> - The initial Air Force POM and the draft Defense Department budget do not include F-22 aircraft.>> - Secretary Gates and Secretary England have endorsed bridging the F-22 program for consideration by the next administration.>> - DoD plans to seek funds for 4 F-22s in the next Supplemental.>> - This F-22 ADM directs the Air Force to take steps to spend up to $50 M for Advanced Procurement associated with 4 F-22 aircraft.>> - These funds provide a bridge to a January decision by the next administration.>> - In January, the next administration can decide to obligate additional advanced procurement funds, up to the Congressional $140 M ceiling, to support up to 20 F-22 aircraft.>> - Industry has indicated that 4 aircraft of Advance Procurement now, and additional Advance Procurement in January, will bridge the F-22 line with little or no additional cost to the taxpayer if additional F-22s are purchased.>> - Expenditure of all remaining F-22 AP funds must, per Congressional direction, await a Presidential certification on the F-22 program. (Presidential Certification to Congress is required by Section 134 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2009)>> -ends->>