International Orders Spell Success for Pakistan’s Super Mushshak Trainer Aircraft

  • A news analysis
  • 03:31 PM, August 1, 2017
  • 5610
International Orders Spell Success for Pakistan’s Super Mushshak Trainer Aircraft
Super Mushshak basic trainer aircraft (Image: PAC)

International orders for Pakistan’s Super Mushshak basic trainer aircraft have totaled 144 since 2016 making it one of the most successful aircraft projects to come out of Asia.

In terms of the number of countries which ordered the Super Mushshak, the PAC-built plane has left behind better known brands in the crowded basic air force trainer market including the Pilatus PC-9,  Beechcraft T-6A, Embraer Super Tucano, Korean KT-1 Woongbi and the Grob G 120TP.

The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), the manufacturer of the basic trainer signed an agreement for the sale of 10 Super Mushshak trainer aircraft to Azerbaijan Air Force in July this year.

During the past year, Iran has ordered 26 aircraft, Nigeria has received five out of 14 ordered as of July this year while Oman has 8 aircraft on order. Qatar received four in July this year out of 8 it ordered in June 2016.

The biggest deal for the aircraft was signed by Turkey in May this year has an order of 52 aircraft. In addition, Saudi Arabia has 20 on order while the Syrian Air Force has ordered 6 aircraft.

The Super Mushshak is a version of the Saab MF-17 Supporter, which is produced in Pakistan under license from Sweden. The latest version is powered by a 260 horsepower Textron Lycoming IO-540 V4A5 engine. It features a US-designed glass cockpit as well as environmental controls.

According to the PAC, Super Mushshak meets the requirements of a modern primary training syllabus and is an ideal basic trainer for basic flight training and instrument flying. The aircraft has a service ceiling of 22,000 feet, a maximum speed of 268km/h and a range of 814 kilometers which match some of its global competitors.

Recent reports indicate that the PAC is re-configuring the aircraft for an attack and reconnaissance role. An upcoming version is being fitted with an electro-optic/infrared sensor turrets and an L3 Wescam MX-10 surveillance device. In addition, one Chinese-made guided bomb will be mounted under each wing.

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