BSI Certifies UTC Systems' MRO Facility Against Revised Standards

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:28 PM, August 3, 2017
  • 2598
BSI Certifies UTC Systems' MRO Facility Against Revised Standards
BSI certifies first MRO site in the world against newly revised MRO aircraft Quality Management System standard

British Standards Institution (BSI) has certified UTC Aerospace Systems' maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) site against the newly revised quality and risk management standard.

UTC Aerospace Systems' MRO facility in Prestwick, Scotland, is the first site to obtain certification against the revised quality and risk management standard, AS9110C Requirements for aviation maintenance organizations, BSI announced Wednesday.

The site, which provides comprehensive nacelle systems repairs, was independently assessed by BSI.

The revised international standard was published in 2016 and is applicable for both the civilian and military sectors. The standard specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving a Quality Management System (QMS) for aerospace MRO organizations.

"UTC Aerospace Systems has demonstrated its leadership and commitment to safety by carrying out and achieving prompt certification to AS9110C," said Todd VanderVen, President, BSI America Inc.

"As a result of this industry first, UTC Aerospace Systems has further cemented its status as a progressive leader in aerospace quality management." VanderVen, President, BSI America said.

The AS9110C certification represents the latest aerospace industry practice to manage and monitor quality across all operations, requiring rigorous audits to ensure correct procedures and processes are developed and followed to ensure flight safety.

AS9110C builds on the revised Quality Management Systems Standard, ISO 9001 which was updated in 2015 to include a high level structure (HLS) - featuring terms, definitions, headings and text common to all management system standards, allowing easier integration when implementing multiple management systems.

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