The Deputy Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Davyd Thomas, RAN, provided reassurance that the Christmas stand-down period, an initiative which falls under the auspices of Chief of Navy's "New Generation Navy" program, will not have any adverse impact on national security.>> "The stand down will not impact operations and is to ensure that our people who are not required on operations are able to take a meaningful period of time off and spend time with their families. This is about nurturing our people and working smarter not harder.">> "Navy has a responsibility to both our country and our people. Operational requirements will still be met and Australia's national security remains our first priority. Our ships will continue to undertake border protection duties and meet our commitments in the Middle East Area of Operations," said Admiral Thomas.>> 500 Navy personnel will remain on active duty over the Christmas period. HMAS Parramatta and the team in Task Force 158 in the Persian Gulf will continue their activities as well as other Navy personnel deployed with Australian Defence Force elements throughout the Middle East Area of Operations. Operation Resolute will continue, with Royal Australian Navy ships conducting border protection duties.>> In addition, an operational response vessel on the East and West coasts of Australia will be on standby to respond should Government call for an emergency response at sea.>> New Generation Navy (NGN) is a Chief of Navy initiative, that aims to make Navy an employer of choice, thereby improving retention and recruitment. The NGN program will do this through cultural reform, a leadership and values program and structural reform.