Joint Strike Fighter Recommended to Replace the F-16

  • (Source: Norwegian Prime Minister’s Office)
  • 12:00 AM, November 21, 2008
  • 2389
>Norway has picked the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to replace its F-16 combat aircraft, and plans to buy 48. (Lockheed photo)The Minister of Defence recommends that the F-16 is replaced by the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).>> The JSF is the only candidate which fulfils all the operational requirements specified by the Norwegian Government and is furthermore offered at a lower price than the Gripen NG. The selection of the Joint Strike Fighter rests upon a clear recommendation from Project Future Combat Aircraft Capability. External auditors have concluded that the evaluation has been carried out in a professional and ethically sound [manner].>> Combat aircraft is a crucial capability for Norways defence. The procurement of new combat aircraft is therefore an essential element in the Governments Long-term Defence Plan, states Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.>> Both candidates performance have been evaluated against a number of different scenarios. The scenarios used in this evaluation are the same as the ones used in the Long-term Defence Plan, says Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strm-Erichsen.>> The Joint Strike Fighter is considered to be the better of the two candidates regarding intelligence and surveillance, counter air, air interdict and anti-surface warfare, says Strm-Erichsen.>> An investment of this magnitude offers substantial opportunities for Norwegian industry. Throughout the process, the Government has communicated clearly to the candidates the significance of securing industrial opportunities, and the result of that focus is clearly evident today, states Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strm-Erichsen.