The Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, today announced that the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) has agreed to Contractual Acceptance from the prime contractor Thales Australia of two upgraded guided missile frigates, HMA Ships Sydney and Darwin.>> Upon coming to office a year ago, the Adelaide Class Frigate Upgrade Program was one of several projects we had inherited from the previous Government, which had serious difficulties, running over four years behind schedule, and a $150 million over budget, Mr Fitzgibbon said.>> We have now managed a significant milestone in this program, and come one step closer to having these ships on operational activities. This demonstrates this Governments commitment to working with Defence and industry to resolve the outstanding issues associated with this project to ensure the Australian Defence Force receives high quality equipment and that Australian taxpayers receive value for money.>> Mr Fitzgibbon recognised the key role the Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement, the Hon. Greg Combet MP, played is resolving outstanding issues with the project.>> Greg invested a lot of time and effort in getting the parties to the contract - Defence, Thales Australia and Raphael to sit down and talk about the issues impeding the project. This has resulted in much greater collaboration between the parties than has previously been experienced during the projects history.>> Mr Fitzgibbon said continued collaboration between DMO and Thales Australia has resulted in much improved progress with trials, delivery and support for the upgraded ship systems.