Financial Costs of Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan

  • (Source: UK Ministry of Defence)
  • 12:00 AM, November 27, 2008
  • 3095
Various newspapers have reported that the MOD has requested 3.7 billion from the Treasury to cover the costs of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.>> The MOD has made a routine request to Parliament for the additional costs of operations in this financial year (2008/2009). The MOD has estimated and requested 3.7 billion for the costs of operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans.>> The MOD submits two operational costs estimates throughout the financial year to ensure that figures presented to Parliament are realistic. Another update will be presented in the Spring Supplementary Estimates next year.>> Expenditure for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is much higher than last year (1.397 million and 2.318 million, respectively, for 08/09).>> This is new money over and above the core Defence Budget from the Treasury Special Reserve, to ensure our Forces are properly trained, equipped and supported for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.>> That includes significant levels of spending on new equipment and equipment upgrades through the Urgent Operational Requirements process.>> -ends->