Turkey To Hire 40,000 Armed Forces Personnel

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:18 AM, January 2, 2018
  • 5891
Turkey To Hire 40,000 Armed Forces Personnel
Turkey to hire 40,000 Armed Forces Personnel

After sacking some 9000 soldiers linked to the failed 2016 coup, Turkey has launched plans to hire around 40,000 personnel in various ranks of its armed forces.

A military source told Anadolu Agency that the new recruits will include 3,755 officers and 5,375 non-commissioned officers, in addition to the plans to hire 13,213 specialized sergeants and 20,595 contracted rank and file.

The source said a total of 8,565 personnel -- including 150 generals, 4,630 officers, 2,167 non-commissioned officers, 1,210 specialized sergeants and contracted soldiers, and 411 civil servants and workers -- have been expelled for links to the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) following the July 2016 defeated coup.

To overcome the staff shortages after the expulsions, the ministry hired a total of 15,850 personnel -- including 1,763 officers, 4,135 non-commissioned officers, 3,698 specialized sergeants, 6,162 contracted rank and file, and 92 civil servants.

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