Modernized Ka-27M Helicopters Delivered To Russian Navy

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:48 AM, January 15, 2018
  • 4752
Modernized Ka-27M Helicopters Delivered To Russian Navy
Modernized Ka-27M Helicopters Delivered To Russian Navy (Image: Russian MOD)

Russian Helicopters has delivered the new batch of modernized Ka-27M multirole helicopters to the Russian Navy, the defense ministry in Moscow said Sunday.

The modernization of the helicopters is held at the Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise. “The new version of this aircraft introduces modern types of information transmitting in real time to ground or ship command posts and to other helicopters,” the statement reads.

The helicopter is equipped with a new tactical command system that includes new acoustic and magnetometric systems, a radio reconnaissance system, an information computation system and an active phased array airborne radar station.

According to the statement, first of the transferred helicopters has already been sent to a permanent stationing site at the Baltic Fleet. In addition, the Ka-27Ms are to go to the Pacific and Northern Fleets.

The first upgraded Ka-27M helicopter was delivered to Russian Navy in December 2016. Multirole Ka-27 type helicopters of various modifications are currently the basis of the helicopter units of the Russian Naval Aviation. They provide aerial reconnaissance at sea, anti-submarine protection of naval groups, detection, tracing and destruction of submarines and ships, perform search-and-rescue operations for crews of aerial vehicles and ships who are in distress; they also implement transport tasks for ensuring successful activity of naval groups.

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