Saab Joins Leonardo-led Team To Demo Naval Surveillance Solutions

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:10 PM, January 16, 2018
  • 4362
Saab Joins Leonardo-led Team To Demo Naval Surveillance Solutions
Saab Joins Leonardo-led Team To Demo Naval Surveillance Solutions

Saab will take part in an EU funded preparatory action project called OCEAN2020, to demonstrate technologies for enhanced situational awareness in a naval environment using unmanned systems.

The project consists of a consortium representing 15 EU Member States, lead by Leonardo.

During 2018-2020, two live demonstrations will be arranged. The first is scheduled to be held off the Italian Mediterranean coast in 2019, with the second live demonstration in the Baltic Sea during 2020. Saab, with the support of the Swedish Navy, will coordinate the live demonstration to be held in the Baltic Sea.

“There will be several manned and unmanned assets participating in each of the live demonstrations. Saab is contributing with a configuration of the 9LV naval Combat Management System, with interfaces to other participating parties and assets, including unmanned systems from Saab,” says Katarina Björklund, Vice President Group Strategy, Saab. “Various assets from several different companies and institutes will form a system of systems and together provide a Recognised Maritime Picture.”

The EU intends to launch a European Defence Research Programme (EDRP) with a proposed budget of €500 million per year. The aim is to improve the competitiveness and innovation in the European defence industry and to stimulate cooperation amongst Member States and industry. The Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR), will test the infrastructure and the ability of the industry for such cooperation. This project is the biggest project funded by the calls announced under the EU Preparatory Action on Defence Research.

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January 12, 2018 @ 01:56 PM