Australia Tests New Cooperative Engagement Capability Technology

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:45 AM, April 17, 2018
  • 3015
Australia Tests New Cooperative Engagement Capability Technology
HMAS Hobart (Image: Royal Australian Navy)

The Australian Defense Force’s has tested the new Cooperative Engagement Capability, which combines radar and fire control data  into a common picture, allowing one ship to engage an adversary based on the other ship’s data.

The test was conducted off the coast of South Australia, Air Warfare Destroyers HMAS Hobart, and NUSHIP Brisbane. Cooperative Engagement Capability is one technology that will form a part of the Australian Joint Integrated Fires Capability being implemented in the Australian Defense Force, Department of Defense said in a statement Tuesday.

“The new Cooperative Engagement Capability is a significant step-change for Australia as we face increasing threats from cruise missiles and advanced aircraft,” Minister for Defense, Senator the Hon Marise Payne said.

“Together Hobart and Brisbane bring air defense capabilities – not by adding new radars or weapon systems, but by utilising existing sensors and weapons in a more effective manner.

“In the coming years, the Australian Joint Integrated Fires capability will link our ships, aircraft and land-based assets to create air defense network that can see over the horizon.”

“Not only does this capability enable us, for the first time, to share targeting data in real time between ADF assets, it will also enable us to share it with United States assets, providing new levels of interoperability within a coalition force.

“Australia is the first international partner outside the United States to gain access to this cutting-edge technology, further demonstrating the strong alliance between our two countries.

“This new capability will provide Australian and United States warships the ability to share targeting data in real time. This means a combat system can engage a target that it otherwise could not see, by using data from another warship’s sensors,” Minister Payne said.

The Australian Government is planning to integrate the CEC into other ADF capabilities, including the E-7A Wedgetail aircraft and Integrated Air and Missile Defense program.

The CEC will also be integrated into the Future Frigate’s Aegis combat management system together with the Saab Australia developed interface and the CEAFAR phased array radar, as part of strategic enterprise approach to combat management systems. This technology will provide the ADF with longer range, cooperative and layered air defense.

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