Boeing Signs Data Analytics Research Agreement With Singapore’s DSTA

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:54 AM, June 28, 2018
  • 4426
Boeing Signs Data Analytics Research Agreement With Singapore’s DSTA
Boeing Signs Data Analytics Research Agreement With Singapore’s DSTA

Singapore’s Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) and Boeing signed the first project agreement to commence joint research and co-development in data analytics earlier at the inaugural Singapore Defence Technology Summit.

DSTA Chief Executive Mr Tan Peng Yam said: “Under this agreement, we will jointly develop an information management tool leveraging data analytics to identify trends and insights on aircraft performance. This signifies our emphasis on tapping digital technologies and working closely with the industry to co-develop new capabilities.”

The information management tool will analyse flight and maintenance data for the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF)’s F-15 and AH-64 aircraft. The findings will also be used to develop algorithms for predictive analytics for smarter maintenance and operations.

Stan Deal, President and Chief Executive Officer, Boeing Global Services stated: “Boeing is proud of its partnership with DSTA to improve aircraft generation and reduce sustainment costs. As we broaden our demonstrated commercial digital portfolio and apply them to defense systems operations, many will benefit from data-driven solutions that will increase the overall effectiveness of operations”.

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