Soccer World Cup Information Infrastructure targeted by Cyber Attacks: Putin

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:22 AM, July 16, 2018
  • 2518
Soccer World Cup Information Infrastructure targeted by Cyber Attacks: Putin
Russian Presient Vladimir Putin during a press conference (Image: Artiom Korotaev/TASS)

Russian Presient Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with Security Council organized for the World Cup has said that Moscow prevented nearly 25 million attempts of cyber-attacks and other criminal acts against the nation’s information infrastructure related to Soccer World Cup.

The comments came soon after the tournament ended Sunday.

Putin spoke with representatives of 55 intelligence units from 34 countries who had worked on securing the tournament.

“Thanks to Russia’s tight security, there were no ‘serious incidents’ and ‘people who came to our country really felt they were safe,” Putin was quoted as saying by Daily Mail Monday.

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