BAE Systems Wins $70M US Navy Contract For ALE-70 Radio Frequency Countermeasures

  • Our Bureau
  • 03:36 AM, August 17, 2018
  • 6971
BAE Systems Wins $70M US Navy Contract For ALE-70 Radio Frequency Countermeasures
BAE Systems Wins $70M US Navy Contract For ALE-70 Radio Frequency Countermeasures

The US Navy has awarded a $70 million worth contract to BAE Systems to provide ALE-70 radio frequency countermeasures (RFCM) in support of PMA272 Air Expendable Countermeasures Program, the Department of defense announced Thursday.

“BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc., Nashua, New Hampshire, is awarded $70,402,534 for firm-fixed-price delivery order N00104-18-F-MM04 under previously awarded basic ordering agreement (N00104-16-G-0726) for the new manufacture of T-1687/ALE-70(V) countermeasures in support of PMA272 Air Expendable Countermeasures Program,” the statement says.

Airborne Expendable Countermeasures are electronic warfare devices used for pre-emptive or terminal protection of aircraft from Radio Frequency (RF) or Infrared (IR) guided missile attack.

The DOD statement said the work will be performed in Nashua, New Hampshire, and work is expected to be completed by March 2021.

Fiscal 2018 procurement of ammunition (Navy and Marine Corps) funds (42.53 percent); fiscal 2018 procurement of aircraft (Air Force) funds (31.66 percent); fiscal 2017 procurement of ammunition (Navy and Marine Corps) funds (0.15 percent); fiscal 2017 procurement of aircraft (Air Force) funds (11.48 percent); and fiscal 2016 procurement of aircraft (Air Force) funds (14.18 percent) in the full amount of $70,402,534 will be obligated at the time of award and funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year, it added. 

The ALE-70 towed radio frequency countermeasure consists of the reel/launcher assembly, tow line, T-1687 countermeasure transmitter, and electronic and mechanical sub-assemblies.

When deployed from the aircraft, the ALE-70’s countermeasure transmitter responds to commands from the countermeasure controller located in the jet and emits waveforms that are used to confuse or decoy adversary radars or radar-guided weapons.

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