Pentagon Contract Announcement

  • (Source: US Department of Defense)
  • 12:00 AM, December 11, 2008
  • 680
General Atomics, San Diego, Calif., was awarded on Dec. 8, 2008 a, $19,946,886 cost plus fixed price contract for research of the primary objective of the Biofuels-Cellulosic and Algal Feedstock program is to develop the technical capability commercial algae production experience, resources, and commitment to demonstrate and ultimately commercialize the affordable production of JP-8 surrogate fuel from algal feedstock .>> Work will be performed in General Atomics, San Diego, Calif ., Scripps Institutions of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif., Arizona State University, Mesa, Ariz., Blue Sun Biodiesel, Golden, Colo., Martek, Colo., Texas A&M AgriLIFE, College Station, Texas, UOP LLC, Des Plains, Ill., Hawaii Bio Energy, Honolulu, Energy and Environ-metal research Center (Univ of North Dakota), Grand Forks, N. D., and Utah State, Logan, Utah, with an estimated completion date of Jun. 8, 2010.>> Bids solicited were via the Broad Agency Announcement and seventeen bids were received.>> Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Arlington, Va., is the contracting activity (HR0011-09-C-0034).>> -ends->