Last Three F16s Reach Poland

  • (Source: Polish Ministry of National Defence)
  • 12:00 AM, December 17, 2008
  • 2897
POZNAN-KRZESIN, Poland --- The last three out of 48 F-16 multirole aircraft purchased by Poland arrived at the 31st Tactical Aircraft Air Base in Poznan on 11th December. The purchase agreement for F-16 was signed in April 2003.>> Now the Polish Air Force operates 36 F-16C Block52+ and 12 dual seat F-16D Block 52+ aircraft. After Acceptance Procedure Inspection in the 31st Airbase, Fs will be operated by 10th Tactical Squadron (10 ELT) in ask.>> The following day, the airbase was visited by Minister Bogdan Klich, accompanied by civilian and military authorities. Minister was acquainted with the level of training and infrastructure of the airbase. He met as well with pilots serving in both airbases.>> During the press conference that followed Klich said that Hawks as F-16s are called in Poland have d technical culture in the Polish Armed Forces and are a strong, modern element of the Air Force. As the minister said, he tries to be-up-to-date with all the information and facts related to the Fs and is ready for a polemic with journalists spreading untrue and unverified information on Polish Fs' capabilities. Klich confirmed that Polish air base in Krzesiny has 32 hangars and 75% of the aircraft is airworthy, which is a high level.>> Pilots' training is also implemented according to the schedule, Klich said. It is planned that in September 2009 there will be 46 jet fighter pilots and the number is scheduled to rise to 1.5 pilot per aircraft in 2012.>> Klich said as well that he would like Polish Air Forces to purchase fighter-training aircraft by 2013.