India's Tejas Fighter Jet To Get Advanced Laser Pod

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:24 AM, January 24, 2019
  • 6548
India's Tejas Fighter Jet To Get Advanced Laser Pod
Tejas fighter (image:

India has developed an advanced laser targeting system for indigenously-made Tejas fighter jet.

State-funded Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed the cost-effective Laser designator pod (LDP), Sputnik reported, quoting sources as saying Monday.

The weapon targeting system will improve day and night attack capabilities of Tejas fighter aircraft.

"LPD is the laser sensor-cum-targeting system used in aircraft and provides inputs in actual flight conditions. These are advanced airborne infrared targeting and navigation pods to improve both day and night attack capabilities in all weather conditions. It performs tasks like detection, recognition, identification, designation of surface targets, accurate delivery of guided bombs and accurate ranging", an official involved with the project told Sputnik on the condition of anonymity.

Indian scientists P. Suresh Kumar, N.S.R.K. Prasad and K. Senthil Kumar, who developed the system evaluated the performance of the LDP and found that the achieved average positioning accuracy in terms of azimuth and elevation computation for static and moving ground targets was +/- 2.3 metres. It met with the requirements needed to test the air-to-ground weapons in a flight simulator.

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