Russian Helicopters Signs MoUs with Indian Companies for Ka-226T Components

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:15 PM, February 20, 2019
  • 5171
Russian Helicopters Signs MoUs with Indian Companies for Ka-226T Components
Ka-226T helicopter (Image: Russian Helicopters)

Russian Helicopters and a number of Indian companies signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) at Aero India 2019 to explore producing a number of assemblies and components for Ka-226T helicopter in India.

The MOUs were signed with the following companies Elcom, Valdel Advanced Technologies, Dynamatic Technologies, Integrated Helicopter Services and Bharat Forge, covering assemblies such as fuselage, blades, radiostation and landing gear, the company said in a statement Wednesday.

“We have launched a new stage of Ka-226T project: identifying the chain of manufacturers among the Indian companies. I am positive that the agreements reached today will result in a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation at a later stage when the production of Ka-226T is transferred to the customer’s territory”, noted Andrey Boginskiy, Director General of Russian Helicopters Holding Company following the signing during the ongoing Aero India Airshow held in Bangalore. 

"The program of localization of production of Ka-226T helicopter in India is a key project within the scope of the "Make in India" program. The contract provides for the delivery of 60 Ka-226T assembled in Russia and the production of 140 units in the territory of the partner country. In particular, we intend to take part in a bid for the delivery of 111 Naval Utility Helicopters for the Indian Navy. The selection of Ka-226T will allow India to reduce expenditures for transportation, maintenance, personnel training due to the localization of production in its own territory", highlights Victor Kladov, Director for international cooperation and regional policy at State Corporation Rostec.

Light utility helicopter Ka-226T features coaxial main rotor system, maximum take-off weight of 3.6 tons and is capable of transporting up to 1 ton of payload. The main distinctive feature of the helicopter is its modular design. Ka-226T can be fitted with a transport cabin enabling the transportation of up to six people, or with modules carrying special equipment. Flight performance of Ka-226T helicopter, its environmental friendliness, cost effectiveness, state-of-the-art avionics suite and additional flight safety solutions make this helicopter one of the best in its class.

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