Angola Receives Last Batch of Su-30K Fighters From Belarus

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:11 AM, May 24, 2019
  • 11355
Angola Receives Last Batch of Su-30K Fighters From Belarus
Angola Receives Last Batch of Su-30K Fighters From Belarus

Belarus has delivered last of 12 Su-30K fighters to Angola last month, after they were upgraded by the 558th Aviation Repair Plant in conjunction with Russia’s Rosoboronexport.

The last two Su-30Ks were delivered to Angola in April this year, Alexander Vorobey, Deputy Director for Development at the 558th Aviation Repair Plant told the TASS news agency. He said Angola’s fighters had been upgraded to Su-30SM standard, giving them the ability to fire anti-ship and air-to-air missiles. They are also fitted with jammers. The contract included delivery of a flight simulator and training aids from Belarus.

The Su-30SM is an upgraded version of the Su-30MKI and MKM variants developed for the Russian Air Force. It has improved avionics including glass cockpit and Bars-R radar, amongst others. It has canards and AL-31FP engines with thrust vector control for improved manoeuvrability. It is not clear how many of the Su-30SM’s upgrades Angolan aircraft have received.

Angola had ordered 12 of the second hand fighters during a visit by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin to Luanda, Angola, in October 2013. The first delivery was in September 2017.

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