Rheinmetall Wins $104M To Supply 252 Unprotected Transport Vehicles To Germany

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:05 AM, June 13, 2019
  • 4395
Rheinmetall Wins $104M To Supply 252 Unprotected Transport Vehicles To Germany
Unprotected Transport Vehicle

Rheinmetall has won a $104 million (Euro 92million) contract to supply Germany's Bundeswehr 252 unprotected transport vehicles.

This order falls under the framework agreement concluded in 2017 for more than 2,200 military trucks worth $1017 (Euro 900 million) million the compant said in a statement Wednesday.

Before the end of 2019, Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH (RMMV) will build and deliver the vehicles, which include a total of 161 5-tonne trucks and 91 15-tonne trucks. Production of the lot just ordered will commence directly after completion of the first lot of vehicles, which are due to be delivered during the next few months.

Under the Bundeswehr’s Unprotected Transport Vehicle (UTF) programme, new vehicles will replace the ageing KAT I generation of trucks. The unprotected 6x6 and 8x8 trucks feature a chassis that is designed to enable subsequent replacement with a protected armoured cab. This will allow the unprotected vehicles to be transformed into protected vehicles to provide crews with better protection.

Configurations include cargo, cargo with crane, tipper, medium recovery, ILHS (DROPS/PLS), fuel/water, heavy equipment transport (HET), bridging, and heavy recovery variants.

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