Tests of MBDA's CAMM-ER for EMADS System Complete

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:45 AM, December 2, 2019
  • 8943
Tests of MBDA's CAMM-ER for EMADS System Complete

MBDA has successfully completed a series of trials of the CAMM-ER missile for enhanced modular air defense solutions (EMADS) system.

“CAMM and CAMM-ER form the basis for MBDA’s Enhanced Modular Air Defence Solutions (EMADS) offering. The trials have been conducted in the past months and saw a series of successful firings of CAMM-ER that proved the performance of the missile at extended ranges and high altitudes while conducting a number of challenging manoeuvres,” MBDA said in a statement Friday.

EMADS is the export version of the Land Ceptor system for the British Army, which uses the MBDA common anti-air modular missile (CAMM). Italy is the lead customer for EMADS, which was selected in mid-2017 to replace its SPADA system that is based on the Aspide missile.

“CAMM-ER, meant to replace the existing Aspide munition, is expected to be integrated in the Air Defence system of the Italian Air Force and Italian Army. CAMM-based air defence systems are known as Land Ceptor and Sea Ceptor by the British Army and Royal Navy. The Italian Navy is also evaluating how to include the missile family with its future surface combatants,” MBDA said.

CAMM-ER is the extended range member of the new-generation CAMM air defence family of weapons. All members of the CAMM family share the same active radar seeker and soft-launch system, with CAMM-ER featuring a larger rocket motor to provide extended range out beyond 40 km.



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