Boeing Completes Apache Longbow Training Upgrade Contract

  • (Source: Boeing Co.)
  • 12:00 AM, January 12, 2009
  • 3049
ST. LOUIS --- Boeing announced today that its Integrated Defense Systems Training Systems and Services organization has completed a six-year U.S. Army contract to retrofit and upgrade 22 Apache Longbow Crew Trainers, 22 Maintenance Training Devices and a Longbow Collective Training System. The suite of Boeing-produced training devices provides comprehensive, high-fidelity training for Longbow aircrews and maintenance personnel.>> "The Boeing team developed significant simulation solutions for the Longbow attack helicopter," said Randy Nielson, contractor for the Army's Apache Project Management Office. "There's a lot of satisfaction in watching a needed capability evolve into a functional, relevant product. It's a privilege to work with the kind of people who make it happen.">> Under the contract, hundreds of individual upgrades were performed on the trainers to ensure concurrency with the Apache Longbow helicopter. Boeing delivered and supported Longbow training devices around the world, including Army posts throughout the United States and in South Korea, Germany, Iraq and Afghanistan.>> Boeing's work included several major retrofits and upgrades to match the evolution of the Apache Longbow, allowing for improved individual and collective crew training and mission rehearsal. Database improvements included adding virtual visual systems for South Korea, Iraq and Kosovo. These upgraded tactical environments also include new modeling options: Light trucks, civilian vehicles and improvised explosive devices have been added to the possible scenarios.