Japan to Manufacture Aircraft Parts in Malaysia

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:20 AM, February 24, 2020
  • 4742
Japan to Manufacture Aircraft Parts in Malaysia
An airplane built by Japan's Mitsubishi company.

Japan is working out a plan to manufacture aircraft parts in Malaysia, besides training aviation industry personnel in the country.

If materialised, it will be Japan’s first such cooperation with an Asian country. The agreement, that could be signed this summer, seeks to help small to medium Japanese parts makers expand their business, Mainichi reported on Sunday.

Under the framework, Japan hopes to expand supply chains in which Japan-made high precision parts are assembled in Malaysia.

Tokyo recently announced that it wants to increase the production value of the aircraft industry from 1.8 trillion yen ($16 billion) in 2018 to 3 trillion yen ($27 billion) by 2030. According to the defense ministry, the commercial aircraft market is expected to grow over the next 20 years, with demand for some 40,000 planes expected, around 40% of which will be in the Asia-Pacific region.