US Navy takes delivery of Amphibious Assault Ship Tripoli

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:54 AM, February 29, 2020
  • 3258
US Navy takes delivery of Amphibious Assault Ship Tripoli
Tripoli (LHA 7) amphibious assault ship

Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) has delivered amphibious assault ship Tripoli (LHA 7) to the US Navy.

Tripoli will be commissioned later this year before sailing to its homeport of San Diego, California, the company said in a statement Friday.

Ingalls is currently the sole builder of large-deck amphibious ships for the Navy. America-class ships are designed to enhance Marine Corps aviation, capable of supporting the tilt-rotor MV-22 and F-35B Joint Strike Fighter. When Tripoli enters the fleet, it will be the flagship of an Amphibious Ready Group, strategically positioning Marine Expeditionary Units ashore across a full spectrum of missions, including humanitarian, disaster relief, maritime security, antipiracy and other operations while providing air support for ground forces.