>Switzerland has set a budget of 2.2 billion francs for the partial replacement of its F-5 Tiger fleet, and initially seeks 22 aircraft. (Swiss Air Force photo)With the delivery of the second, updated request for proposal to the three manufacturers Dassault, EADS and Saab, the evaluation of a successor for the F-5 Tiger is proceeding as planned.>> In the updated request for proposal the manufacturers are asked to submit an offer for 22 aircraft. In addition, armasuisse [the Swiss defence procurement agencyEd.] sets the budget at CHF 2.2 billion and inquires how many aircraft can be delivered for this amount.>> In the updated request for proposal the results and data gathered from the ground and flight tests and from the first offer have been incorporated. This includes functions and performances which do not meet the military requirements. armasuisse wants to give the manufacturers the opportunity to propose respective improvements. Improvements are also sought in additional fields.>> A priorisation with respect to military cooperation should guarantee that the peak demand for pilots can be covered when the new aircraft are introduced. Furthermore armasuisse investigates the possibility of conducting a training with a TTE squadron during the months of June, July and August from a base in the manufacturing country.>> New ways are also examined to minimise operating costs and to ensure the competences of Swiss Industry in the field of aeronautical technologies. A strategic cooperation between the aircraft companies, armasuisse and Swiss aviation industry should enable Switzerland to participate in further developments of the TTE. In addition the possibility of reducing maintenance costs is investigated.