Initial Sea Trials of Singapore's Smart Maritime Autonomous Vessel Complete

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:58 PM, April 30, 2020
  • 4456
Initial Sea Trials of Singapore's Smart Maritime Autonomous Vessel Complete

Singapore's ST Engineering has announced the completion of initial sea trials of its first Smart Maritime Autonomous Vessel (SMAV) in April 2020.

The vessel uses collision avoidance algorithm in accordance with International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) rules in overtaking, head-on and crossing.

“The trials were conducted in various scenarios with varying speeds up to 8.5 knots, while the vessel is in autonomous waypoint navigation mode,” Onward, a publication of ST Engineering's Marine sector, said in a statement on April 29.

POSH Harvest–a harbour tug owned and operated by PACC Offshore Services Holdings (POSH)–was converted into an autonomous vessel incorporating with key features as follows:

• Autonomous waypoint navigation with Collision Detection and Collision Avoidance (CDCA)

• Remote centralised control and health monitoring of the shipboard systems with NERVA Ship Management System

• Forward looking maintenance capabilities such as condition-based maintenance, predictive diagnostics and prognostics on critical shipboard systems with the NERVA Sensemaking System

Multiple testing and simulation

Before the sea trials, multiple testing and simulation were performed in the lab. The simulated scenarios were reiterated with varying parameters.

The development work on the SMAV will continue through 2020.

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