Thales Alenia to Help Develop Astronauts Cabin for NASA Human Moon Mission

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:20 AM, May 1, 2020
  • 3115
Thales Alenia to Help Develop Astronauts Cabin for NASA Human Moon Mission
NASA Moon landing spacecraft illustration

Thales Alenia Space has been selected by US based Dynetics, serving as prime contractor, to partner for the study development phase of the pressurized cabin of the NASA Human Landing System (HLS).

The international consortium led by Dynetics is one among other teams appointed by NASA to compete during the initial design and development phase of the Human Landing System until the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) milestone.

The Human Landing System is part of NASA’s Artemis program, representing a key capability of its Moon return strategy. The man-rated landing vehicle will enable astronauts to reach the lunar surface, live and operate on the ground for a maximum of one week and then ascend back to the Moon’s orbit.

Thales Alenia Space will be in charge of the design of the main volume of the crew module, including the primary structure, hatch & Extra Vehicular Activities (EVA) door, windows and thermal and micrometeoroid protection, together with the primary production of the basic tools.

The design of the pressurized cabin structure will progress at a much faster rate than the other components of the system, despite the technical challenges the team faces. This component plays a key role in the entire lander’s development, as it will host and protect astronauts from the Moon’s atmosphere and asperities.

The goal is to reach the Critical Design Review (CDR) by the end of the year, when NASA will down-select the best technical solution and authorize to proceed with the immediate manufacturing of the first two flight units serving the 2024 and 2026 missions.

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April 10, 2020 @ 05:36 PM