India Orders 156 Modern BMP Infantry Combat Vehicles from OFB

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:05 AM, June 3, 2020
  • 7529
India Orders 156 Modern BMP Infantry Combat Vehicles from OFB
BMP-2M infantry fighting vehicle

The Indian Ministry of Defense has placed an order for 156 BMP 2/2k Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICV) with Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) for an estimated INR 1,094 crore ($145.7 million).

“In a major boost to ‘Make in India’ initiative of the Government, Acquisition Wing of Ministry of Defence (MoD) with the approval of Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh, has today placed an Indent on Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) for supply of 156 BMP 2/2k Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICV) with upgraded features for use of the Mechanized Forces of the Indian Army. Under this Indent, the ICVs will be manufactured by Ordnance Factory, Medak in Telangana at an approximate cost of Rs 1,094 crore,” the MoD said in a release Tuesday.

Delivery of the vehicles will be completed by 2023.

In 2014, Indian MoD approved purchase of 362 BMP-2 “Sarath” ICVs for $293 million. The second-generation amphibious ICV is manufactured at the Ordinance Factory Board, Medak in Telangana under license from Russia.

The BMP-2/2K ICVs are going to be powered by 285 horse power engines and are lower in weight which will make them highly mobile to meet all tactical requirements of mobility in the battlefield. These ICVs have an operational range of 600km and will be able to reach a speed of 65kmph with easy steering ability in cross country terrain. They will have amphibious capabilities to travel at 7kmph in water. These are designed to overcome slope of upto 35° cross obstacles of 0.7 metre and have lethal firepower capability.

India Orders 156 Modern BMP Infantry Combat Vehicles from OFB

Upgrades included integration of latest generation fire control system, twin missile launchers and commander's thermal imaging panoramic sights, anti- tank guided missiles, as well as automatic grenade launchers.

The BMP-2 has a welded steel enlarged turret in the center with periscopes. A 9P135M launcher installed on it is capable of firing with the 9M111 as well as 9M113M anti-tank missiles.

Armament on these platforms includes a 2A42 30 mm dual-feed (it can fire 200 to 550 rounds every minute), fully stabilized cannon and a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. Mounted on the turret roof is a 9Sh119M1 missile launcher for 9M113 Konkurs anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). The vehicle also has other additions such as the TNP-165A designator and TKN-3B binocular used for precision targeting.

The Indian Army employs about 1,500 BMP-2/2Ks in assorted roles, including armored ambulances, amphibious bulldozers, and engineer reconnaissance vehicles.

BMP-2 is also equipped with surface-to-air as well as air-to-air missiles. Some ICV variants featuring a modified chassis have been fitted with Nag missile carriers (NAMICAs) capable of deploying up to six locally developed Nag ATGMs.

The AP-T ammunition as well as APDS-t tungsten ammunition has penetration distances of 15 mm and 25 mm respectively. A 7.62mm PKT machine gun installed on the vehicle and is mounted with ammunition of about 2000 rounds. 

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