MBDA MMP Missile to get Beyond-Line-of-Sight Capability

  • Our Bureau
  • 05:33 AM, July 4, 2020
  • 5372
MBDA MMP Missile to get Beyond-Line-of-Sight Capability
Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP) missile (image: MBDA)

MBDA and 13 partners will adapt the Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP) man-portable missile system to possess beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) attack capability.

LynkEUs, an MBDA coordinated project, has been selected by the European Commission as part of the new European Defense Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP), following consultation with Member States. LynkEUs is the first technological and industrial contribution to the objectives of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) capability project,” MBDA said in a statement July 1.

The BLOS capability project was approved by the EU Defense Ministers in November 2018.

The LynkEUs project is managed in close partnership with the French, Belgian and Cypriot armed forces. The project seeks to define an initial operational concept for a European BLOS capability. It will also provide an opportunity to identify and test emerging solutions of potential value for future upgrades to the capability, and will be validated by a test campaign.

MBDA MMP Missile to get Beyond-Line-of-Sight Capability

The concepts and tests completed for the PESCO BLOS project will contribute to the development of a family of man-on-the loop BLOS missile systems with back image, based on the MMP medium range missile.

MBDA and its 10 partners – from Belgium: The Royal Military Academy, John Cockerill Defense, FN Herstal, Thales Belgium, and Xenics; from Cyprus: Aditess, Cyprus Institute, and SignalGenerix; from France: Novadem and Safran; along with the 3 subcontractors: MILREM (from Estonia), DELAIR (from France), and Carmenta (from Sweden) – are now entering the negotiation phase of the grant agreement with the Commission.

This first success at the European level paves the way for further collaborative projects, that will consolidate a European BLOS capability by developing associated functions such as training systems and cooperative engagement. These new projects could be eligible for the future European Defense Fund as early as 2021.

MBDA MMP Missile to get Beyond-Line-of-Sight Capability

Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP) Missile:

MMP is the latest (fifth) generation land combat missile system designed for dismounted infantry as well as for integration on combat vehicles. It can also be fitted on small naval craft.

It is designed to replace Milan and Javelin anti-tank missiles.

Featuring both fire-and-forget and man-in-the-loop operation, network-enabled MMP also receives third party target designation for indirect firing scenarios. MMP has a multi-purpose warhead with the selectable choice of anti-armor of anti-infrastructure modes.

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