New 9mm Russian Kalashnikov Submachine Gun Completes Tests

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:15 PM, July 22, 2020
  • 6956
New 9mm Russian Kalashnikov Submachine Gun Completes Tests
9mm Kalashnikov PPK-20 submachine gun

Russia’s new 9mm Kalashnikov PPK-20 submachine gun has completed state trials, state-owned Rostec announced today.

The weapon is now eligible for mass production. During the experimental design work, the serial-produced Vityaz-SN submachine-gun was used as the basis to develop the new weapon. At the development stage, specialists took into account the faults exposed during the gun’s serial production and brought the new submachine-gun’s design and structure into compliance with the requirements of the technical assignment. They improved the Kalashnikov submachine-gun’s ergonomics and its ammunition, increased its reliability and supplemented it with a noiseless fire device, Rostec said in a release July 22.

The PPK-20 includes a belt with one-and two-point fastening on the submachine-gun. A bag made of the material with the digital camouflage color was introduced into its accessories to carry magazines, fastening devices, noiseless fire devices, an adapter, clips and a gun oiler.

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