Sound-Absorbing Components of MC-21's PD-14 Engine Developed

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:23 AM, July 29, 2020
  • 5741
Sound-Absorbing Components of MC-21's PD-14 Engine Developed

Russia’s ORPE Technologiya has developed resonance-type sound-absorbing structures and burn-in-panels of PD-14 engine to United Engine Corporation (UEC) for testing.

Rostec said the components are made of aluminum and polymer honeycomb fillers and adhesive films that provide the required characteristics. These will be tested on PD-14 prototype.

Multilayer honeycomb sound-absorbing structures are used in aircraft engines to reduce noise, and burn-in panels ensure safe operation of fan blades. The use of composite materials made it possible not only to increase the reliability of the units, but also to increase the mass efficiency of the engine. Since the beginning of participation in the PD-14 program, since 2011, 25 sets of sound-absorbing structures for a new domestic aircraft engine have been produced at ORPE Technologiya.

"This year we have already produced 72 sets for equipping SaM 146 engines," said Andrei Silkin, Director General of ONPP Tekhnologiya. The SaM 146 engine powers the SSJ-100 aircraft. It is built by a joint venture between France's Safran and Rostec.

On July 23, Rostec said it completed installation testing of locally manufactured PD-14 engine on MC-21-310 prototype aircraft. Russia's MC-21-300 fitted with local engines has been renamed as MC-21-310. The earlier prototypes with the Pratt & Whitney engine, carry the '-300' designation.

Based on the results of preliminary tests, improvements are made to the structural elements of the engine and airframe. At the same time, systems are being installed on the MC-21-310 aircraft in the final assembly shop. After the completion of all work, the PD-14 propulsion systems will be installed on a prototype aircraft for ground and flight tests.

Units for the PD-14 aircraft engine, which will be manufactured at the Mashinostroitel Perm plant, will be certified in 2021,  Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov was quoted as saying by tvzvezda TV in May this year.

Earlier this year, prototype testing of the MC-21 was being conducted using Pratt & Whitney engines procured earlier. But since United States’ sanctions were imposed on MC-21 manufacturer, the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), supply of the engines has been suspended. The PD-14 engine is being developed by Russian manufacturer, Perm Motors. It will become the first all-Russian turbofan engine designed for civil aviation since the 1980s.

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Russian PD-14 Engine successfully "tried on" on MC-21-310 Plane

July 24, 2020 @ 07:01 AM