Network Centric Warfare (NCW) Europe 2009: Germany

  • 12:00 AM, February 23, 2009
  • 5308
Defence IQ's NCW Europe conference series is now in it's 7th year, and has developed into the continent's leading unclassified NEC forum, bringing together a unique mix of senior military decision-makers, operators and defence industry from the C4ISR community. NCW Europe 2009 Highlights. • Joint, interagency & multinational operations: 12 unique perspectives including insights from the US, UK, Canada, France and Germany. • 33 leading experts from the C4ISR community making up your speaker panel . • Over 350 senior military, government, R&D and industry representatives in attendance. • 3 brand new activities tailored to enhance your learning opportunities. • New developments in human factors including training, technology design and human behaviour & cognition. • Site Visit to the German Army's Warfighting Training & Simulation Centre in Wildflecken. Featured Speakers Include... Vice Admiral Nancy Brown, Director for C4 Systems, US Joint Staff, US Navy will deliver exclusive insights into how the US Department of Defence will be using GIG 2.0 to enable users to access information anywhere, anytime on any DoD network. Professor Karen Carr, Director for the Centre for Human Systems at Cranfield University's UK Defence Academy will offer key findings alongside Major Tom Crapper, Officer Commanding, 52 Infantry Brigade HQ and Signal Squadron from the British Army to take you on a complete journey of discovery around Human Centric Warfare. Find out how technology and cognitive fitness impact decision superiority in theory and reality. Colonel Patrick Destremau, Procurement Director for the French Defence Joint Staff's Army Future Combat System will share his expert view on how to maximise data exchange through better procurement decisions. To participate as a paid delegate, please fill in the form below.