Northrop Secures Australia’s $330M Deal for EW Jammers to Foil Radio-Controlled IEDs

  • Our Bureau
  • 05:27 AM, February 4, 2021
  • 3984
Northrop Secures Australia’s $330M Deal for EW Jammers to Foil Radio-Controlled IEDs
JCREW system

The U.S. Department of Defense today announced a $330 million contract to provide Australia with Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (JCREW) systems.

In November 2019, the U.S. State Department approved a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Australia of JCREW Increment 1 Block 1 Systems and related equipment. Australia had requested to buy up to 850 JCREW I1B1 Systems (533 vehicle mounted and 317 dismounted), at an estimated cost of $245 million.

The contract awarded today covers provision of JCREW Increment One Block One (I1B1) dismounted systems, mounted systems, mounted auxiliary kits, operational level spares, depot level spares and engineering support services.

The JCREW I1B1 was formerly known as JCREW 3.3. JCREW is a software-programmable jammer that provides protection from device-triggered IEDs. The units are available in both a wearable, backpack design and a mounted/fixed-site version to protect warfighters on foot, in vehicles, and in permanent structures.

Among the JCREW I1B1 systems is the Northrop Grumman Freedom 240 for Counter Radio-controlled IED Electronic Warfare Marine Expeditionary Unit Special Operation Capable (SOC) or CREW MEU.

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Australian Military to get 850 Northrop Counter-IED Equipment

November 21, 2019 @ 05:22 AM