Azerbaijan Receives Turkish Minesweepers

  • Our Bureau
  • 05:04 AM, February 5, 2021
  • 4193
Azerbaijan Receives Turkish Minesweepers
AFSAT delivering MEMATTs to Azerbaijan.

The first batch of minesweepers manufactured by Turkey’s state-owned ASFAT arrived in Azerbaijan today.

Azerbaijan became the first export customer of the MEMATTs (Mechanical Mine Clearing Equipment) when it ordered 20 of them in December.

Azerbaijan Receives Turkish Minesweepers

“The first batch of MEMATTs, which set out from Kayseri on a plane belonging to the Air Force Command, arrived in Baku. We wish the local and national MEMATTs we export to be beneficial to our Azerbaijan,” the company tweeted Friday.

MEMATTs, covered with Armox 500T, the world's toughest guard plate is mine-resistant and can be remotely controlled from a distance of 500m. The equipment can move at a speed of 4kmph descend to a depth of 25cm and clear a 1km-long, 1.7m-wide area of mines within an hour.

Azerbaijan Receives Turkish Minesweepers

Turkey had earlier agreed to supply Baku with combat drones including the deadly Bayraktar TB2, ammunition, missiles and air defense systems, and has proposed to work with Azerbaijan to modernize its own defense systems.

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Azerbaijan First Country to get Turkish Minesweepers

December 10, 2020 @ 06:19 AM