India’s Advanced Light Helicopter Fires Helina, Dhruvastra Missile Systems

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:30 AM, February 19, 2021
  • 3877
India’s Advanced Light Helicopter Fires Helina, Dhruvastra Missile Systems
ALH fires Helina missile

India’s indigenously developed Helina and Dhruvastra missiles were today launched from Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH).

In a statement, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) said: “Joint User Trials for Helina (Army Version) and Dhruvastra (Air Force Version) Missile Systems designed and developed by DRDO were carried out from Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) platform in desert ranges.”

"Now, the missile systems are ready for induction," the Indian defense ministry said in a release.

Four missions were carried out for evaluating missile capabilities in minimum and maximum range of 7 km. The final mission was carried out with warhead missile against a derelict tank. A mission was carried out against a moving target from a forward flying helicopter.

India’s Advanced Light Helicopter Fires Helina, Dhruvastra Missile Systems

Helina (HELIcopter-launched NAg anti-tank guided missile) is a third generation, lock on before launch (LOBL) fire-and-forget missile with both TOP attack and Direct attack capability. The missile has a maximum range capability of 7+ km. Eight HELINA missiles can be integrated on to ALH-WSI (Rudra), four on either side. A twin-launcher capable of carrying two ‘HELINA’ missiles is designed and there are four such launchers in full configuration, two on either side of the helicopter armament boom. The missile can defeat battle tanks with conventional armour as well as explosive reactive armour. 

Dhurvastra is a variant of the Helina designed for the Indian Air Force.

Earlier, Imaging Infra-Red (IIR) Seeker systems were successfully flight-tested in Anti-Tank Guided Missiles Nag, HELINA and MPATGM.

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