Singapore acquires radioactive materials decontaminant machines

  • 12:00 AM, March 20, 2009
  • 4425
Singapore has bought two specialized vehicles which can neutralise the fallout from radioactive materials and decontaminate large swathes of affected terrain. The Terrain Decontamination Vehicles, which were acquired by the National Environment Agency in the past two years, can help reduce deadly radiation levels in wide and open areas. They are also equipped to clean up chemical spills by spraying foam over open spaces and the outside of buildings, local media reported in Singapore. The vehicles join an arsenal of equipment owned by agencies like the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) to detect, monitor and minimise the havoc caused by any release of radiological materials in Singapore. The country's response to such an incident was one of the topics delegates learnt about during a three-day Global Security Asia 2009-homeland security conference and exhibition March 17-19 in Singapore. There were international speakers as well as 157 exhibitors from more than 20 countries showcasing the latest bomb detectors, body scanners and surveillance systems.