MBDA to Supply the Italian Navy with Teseo Mk2/E Anti-ship Missile

  • Our Bureau
  • 06:20 PM, March 17, 2021
  • 3893
MBDA to Supply the Italian Navy with Teseo Mk2/E Anti-ship Missile
anti-ship missile. Image for illustration

MBDA will provide the Italian Navy with the new Teseo Evolved Weapon System, the Teseo Mk2/E which will bring an improvement in capabilities over the previous anti-ship missile, OTOMAT.

Teseo Mk2/E will engage both sea and land targets at very long range, with full mission control throughout the missile flight. The system will have an innovative integrated mission planning and a new RF seeker, with options for additional features and capabilities in the future.

Teseo Mk2/E is the answer to evolving threats that generate the need to evolve operational requirements. This solution is the result of joint MBDA and Italian Navy technical and programme activities over the past three years that matured the concept of this advanced system.

The Teseo Mk2/E missile system will equip the next generation destroyer (DDX) and could replace the previous Mk2/A version onboard FREMM and Horizon class frigates. The new multi-purpose Offshore Patrol Vessels (PPA – Pattugliatori Polivalenti d’Altura), currently in production, are already fit for Teseo Mk2/E installation in future.

Eric Béranger, CEO of MBDA, declared: “MBDA Group considers Teseo Mk2/E as a major programme and will be fully committed to the successful outcome of this new development. The new Teseo Mk2/E builds on a product line that is well recognised around the world and will support long into the future, the attractiveness of our naval products on export markets.”

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