Tests of Russia’s Hypersonic Missile to get over in 2021

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  • 02:06 PM, April 20, 2021
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Tests of Russia’s Hypersonic Missile to get over in 2021
Zircon hypersonic missile test

Russia will complete testing its Zircon (Tsirkon) hypersonic missile this year.

"This year, it is planned to complete the tests of the Zircon hypersonic cruise missile. This complex is supposed to equip nuclear submarines and surface ships of the far sea zone," Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was quoted as saying by state media during a meeting on Tuesday.

The ministry will also test 79 other military equipment. "Among them there are 13 ships and vessels, four nuclear submarines. These are Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Prince Oleg, Generalissimo Suvorov," Shoigu said.

The Zircon 3M-22 hypersonic missile was designed by NPO-machinostroeniya in Reutov in Moscow region. It is a part of 3K-22 (Zircon code) complex which NATO reports as SS-N-33. The missile can develop a speed of Mach 9 and fly at an altitude of 30-40 km where the range and speed increase as air resistance is smaller. Experts estimate the payload at 300-400 kg and the missile length at 8-10 meters. The missile is to be fired from universal vertical launchers 3S-14 on warships and submarines and from Bastion mobile coastal missile launchers.

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