European OCCAR Awards Contract to MBDA for French MAST-F Missile

  • Our Bureau
  • 05:38 AM, April 29, 2021
  • 3676
European OCCAR Awards Contract to MBDA for French MAST-F Missile
MAST-F Missile for French TIGER helicopter MKIII version: MBDA illustration

The European OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation) as Contracting Authority, representing the government of France, has agreed a contract with MBDA France for the development, production and initial in-service support phases of the MAST-F missile programme.

MAST-F is a weapon system for the MKIII version of the TIGER helicopter capable of neutralizing Main Battle Tanks, infrastructure and combat groups with high precision and limited collateral damage.

It is designed to provide combat units with a versatile and precise attack capability. It will be developed from the technological baseline employed on French MMP (Missile Moyenne Portée).

Development and Production is expected to run for 10 years with In-Service support activities starting in 2027, an OCCAR release said on April 27.

The contract was awarded to MBDA France as Prime Contractor.

Earlier, MBDA has been selected to develop the Future Tactical Air-to-Surface Missile (MAST-F) programme as the main French Army air to ground armament for the TIGER combat helicopter.

The company proposed its Missile Haut de Trame/Missile Longue Portée (MHT/MLP – high tier/long-range missile) for the MASST-F requirement. This builds on the technologies of the Missile Moyenne Portée (MMP), the first 5th-generation land combat missile to enter service. Its modular architecture will facilitate integration onto a broad range of air and ground platforms, in addition to the TIGER.

MHT/MLP weighs 20% less than other weapons in its category – translating to a 100kg weight saving for a TIGER carrying eight missiles, with consequent savings in fuel consumption and increased endurance. With a range of over 8km – even when fired from a stationary platform at low altitude, its multi-effect warhead will defeat targets from modern MBTs to hardened bunkers.

It features a two-way datalink via which the operator can access images from the missiles high-resolution visible and IR seekers. This enables a new target to be selected inflight, or a point of impact to be commanded, increasing tactical agility.

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