Turkey's First Anti-ship 'Atmaca' Missile Passes Final Test

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:30 AM, June 19, 2021
  • 10710
Turkey's First Anti-ship 'Atmaca' Missile Passes Final Test
Atmaca missile

Turkey’s conducted the last test firing of its homegrown Atmaca long-range anti-ship missile on Friday.

"The anti-ship missile Atmaca, our homeland's steel sword, has hit a target ship during the last test today before it will enter service," Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan posted on Twitter, attaching a 58-second video showing the test firing of the Atmaca missile.

The Atmaca project seeks to replace the U.S.-built Harpoon missile from the military's arsenal as part of a campaign to wean Turkey's defense infrastructure from overt dependence on U.S. and NATO equipment.

Turkey's First Anti-ship 'Atmaca' Missile Passes Final Test

Manufactured by Roketsan, Atmaca is high-precision, long-range, surface-to-surface, precision strike anti-ship missile which can be integrated with patrol boats, frigates, and corvettes. It has a range of over 200km, posing a threat to targets far outside visual range.

It also provides a target update, re-attack, and mission abort capability via modern data link.

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