Rostec Reveals Mine Clearing Robot at Army 2021

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:19 AM, August 27, 2021
  • 5922
Rostec Reveals Mine Clearing Robot at Army 2021
Foliage Mine Clearing Robot @Rostec

Ruselectronics Holding, a Rostec company, unveiled remote mine-clearing machine Foliage at the Army-2021 forum.

Developed by the Kaskad KPZ, the machine can search for and eliminate explosive devices at a distance of up to 100 m using a system based on electromagnetic and induction means, Rostec said in a release today.

MDR "Foliage" can be used as a lead demining vehicle in convoys of armored vehicles, engineering troops, as well as to ensure the safety of humanitarian convoys.

“The main purpose of Listva is to detect mine explosive devices, destroy engineering ammunition and improvised explosive devices,” noted Viktor Kladov, Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy of Rostec. - MDR is able to provide full protection of the following convoy, in fact, replacing an entire sapper unit.

Within the framework of the forum, the car has already been evaluated by representatives of ten foreign delegations. The main interest is a microwave emitter, with the help of which the detected charges equipped with electronic elements are demined. The radiation "burns" the electronics of the explosive device, which renders the ammunition unusable. If a pressurized mine is found, the crew, which includes sappers, makes a decision on controlled detonation or demining of the ammunition.

To neutralize artisanal explosive devices made with the help of mobile phones, MDR "Foliage" is capable of emitting radio signals at frequencies typical of civilian electronics. Due to this, the detonation of the ammunition occurs at a safe distance, when the mine enters the zone of action of the emitters of the demining machine.

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