Australia Accepts Second Supply-class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment Ship

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:53 PM, September 8, 2021
  • 5854
Australia Accepts Second Supply-class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment Ship
Australian Navy's Supply-class AOR, NUSHIP Stalwart @Navantia

The Australian Department of Defence signed the acceptance certificate of NUSHIP Stalwart, the second of the two Supply class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) ships built by Navantia Ría de Ferrol for the Royal Australian Navy, today.

The acceptance of NUSHIP Stalwart on August 30 follows two months’ of fit-out activities carried out at HMAS Stirling in Western Australia. Before its formal acceptance, NUSHIP Stalwart completed its final sea trials. Verifications and demonstrations of the Combat, Communications and Navigation Systems conducted on August 22 reached a high degree of customer satisfaction in all areas.

Support for the life-cycle of the vessel for the first five years’ of service and throughout the ship’s warranty period will be managed by Navantia Australia, along with sister ship, HMAS Supply.

NUSHIP Stalwart was launched on 30 August 2019 and departed Navantia’s Ferrol shipyard on May 20 this year, and headed to Perth, where it arrived on June 21.

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