US Air Force Research Lab Tests GPS-independent AgilePod

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:46 AM, December 16, 2021
  • 3909
US Air Force Research Lab Tests GPS-independent AgilePod
T-38C aircraft

The US Air Force Research Laboratory’s complementary position, navigation, and timing (PNT) AgilePod prototype achieved three important objectives in flight tests conducted during November 1-10.

The test team successfully executed eight sorties aboard a T-38C aircraft, which included the first test of the PNT AgilePod on a high-dynamic-range platform, the first test of fully-remote interfacing and alt-PNT data transmission, and the first demonstration of overland/overwater transition performance.

Maj. Andrew Cottle, of the Air Force Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation (SDPE) office, said PNT AgilePod is a platform that helps develop advanced navigation technology independent of GPS. This technology provides reliable, resilient position, navigation, and timing navigation signals through alternative means -- increasing mission effectiveness in scenarios where access to GPS is not guaranteed.

AgilePods are comprised of a series of compartments and can be configured to meet a wide variety of mission requirements for many aircraft platforms. Experimenters can fill the spaces with plug-and-play sensors they need for a mission – high-definition video, electro-optical and infrared sensors, and devices with other capabilities – including PNT.

Cottle said the November tests moved the PNT AgilePod closer to its final transition objectives. “We learned how the AgilePod could be integrated and operated on a representative high-performance military airframe,” said Cottle.

Results from the November flights will inform near-term planning for FY22/23 transition objectives aimed at meeting Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) and Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) requirements for robust PNT and Navigation Warfare (NAVWAR), as well as Air Combat Command (ACC) requirements for resilient unmanned aerial system (UAS) navigation.

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