IRKUT-10 UAV from Sukhoi manufacturer

  • 12:00 AM, May 29, 2009
  • 8550
IRKUT-10 UAV from Sukhoi manufacturer
Sukhoi fighter aircraft manufacturer Irkut has displayed a compact UAV at the recently concluded International Salon "Complex security-2009" in Moscow. Irkut Corporation was awarded gold medal for the development of Irkut-10 unmanned aerial system, said a statement from Irkut. The UAV system comprising two light unmanned aerial vehicles and control means was developed and is serially produced by Irkut for Russian and foreign customers. The statement quoted Irkut President Oleg Demchenko, to say that UAV development programs are one of the company’s activities within the scope of production diversification strategy. While developing non-military-purpose UAVs Irkut efficiently employs its vast experience and technological facilities. Called Irkut-10 the UAV is intended for round-the-clock monitoring in any weather, providing acquisition and broadcasting to the ground unit of real-time TV, IR and photo images of terrain, identification of ground objects’ coordinates upon the operators’ designation, as well аs video data acquisition, accumulation and complex processing. The Irkut-10 flight duration is up to 2 hours. Operational range is up to 70 km. Its launch is performed from the transportable catapult, the parachute-assisted landing is performed onto unpaved platforms.