Brazilian AF Cuts Embraer KC-390 Aircraft Order from 28 to 22

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:30 AM, February 10, 2022
  • 2246
Brazilian AF Cuts Embraer KC-390 Aircraft Order from 28 to 22
KC-390 military transport aircraft. Via YouTube

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has slashed the order for KC-390 aircraft produced by Embraer to 22 from 28.

The total number of aircraft to be contracted by the FAB will be reduced from 28 to 22 units, with deliveries scheduled until 2034. The new production rates are aligned with the FAB’s budget conditions while allowing Embraer long-term planning with its suppliers, the company said in a release.

The KC-390 can accomplish a wide array of missions, including humanitarian support, medical evacuation, search and rescue, and transporting and launching cargo and troops, in addition to aerial refueling.

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