Russia Designs Coastal Mobile Launcher for Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile

  • Bureau
  • 07:59 AM, November 4, 2022
  • 1344
Russia Designs Coastal Mobile Launcher for Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile
Artist rendering of Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile @Russian MOD

Russian specialists have reportedly produced the prototype of a mobile launcher for Tsirkon (Zircon) hypersonic missiles, to be a part of a coastal defense missile system.

"The prototype of a mobile launcher of a coastal defense missile system, using a Tsirkon hypersonic missile, has already been created. As was the case with the Bastion system, the launcher will carry two missiles," a source close to Russia’s military establishment was quoted as saying by state-controlled TASS.

TASS had earlier reported citing sources that the new coastal defense system was expected to enter service with the Russian Navy by the end of 2022. One of the sources said that the new system, just like its predecessor Bastion that employs Oniks (export name Yakhont) missiles, will have the capacity to strike both ground-based and sea targets.

On May 28, a Tsirkon was test-fired at its maximum range from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate. It was launched from the Barents Sea at a naval target in the White Sea about 1,000 km away.

Tsirkon can reportedly reach speeds of up to Mach 9 (6,600 mph) and hit targets at a range of up to 660 miles.

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