Spanish Army Picks E-LynX Software Defined Radio

  • Bureau
  • 07:18 AM, January 5, 2023
  • 1260
Spanish Army Picks E-LynX Software Defined Radio
Elbit Systems E-LynX HH

The Spanish Ministry of Defense Directorate-General for Armament and Material (DGAM) has selected E-Lynx tactical Software Defined Radio (SDR) solution developed by Elbit Systems.

This follows the Spanish MOD’s selection of the E-LynX SDR solution for its combat battalions in November 2020, and for its 8×8 Dragon Vehicles in November 2021.

The E-LynX SDR solution will be manufactured and maintained in Spain as a national sovereign radio, equipped with Spain’s national crypto solution, through the cooperation between Telefonica and Elbit Systems.

Designed in an open architecture approach, the E-LynX family of SDR systems provides interoperable multi-channel network capacity, capable of dynamic and autonomous optimization of spectrum resources and concurrent mission execution while maintaining fast, resilient and secure communications in any terrain.

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